Quarterly Planning Workbook

A goal-setting framework to plan & achieve your significant goals in just 3 months.

This Quarterly Planning Workbook is a framework that can dramatically level up and build your fulfilling career one quarter at a time. Grow your career 10x faster! by focusing on what matters most. Achieve your dreams through quarterly planning, goal-setting, and daily actions.Use the next quarter to accomplish your significant goals even though you have never achieved any.

Goal-setting framework by Vinod Sharma

Are you ready to overcome your obstacle?

My name is Vinod, and I have 22 years of experience in web development.At my 9-to-5 job, I manage the planning, development & release of million-dollar web applications. I adopted several strategies to get my team to focus on the highest-priority items and get the most out of their day.I built Quarterly Planning Workbook to provide you with the same technique to help you focus on what matters the most and get the most out of your day.

But don't take my word for it...

Here is what included in this workbook:

1. Quarterly Goal-Setting Workbook is a step-by-step guided planning process to pick your quarterly goals and make them very specific. You will define your goals, steps, milestones, and weekly & daily actions.2. Quarterly Plan is your go-to roadmap for your quarterly goals and action steps for the rest of the quarter. Once you have defined your goals & actions in the quarterly goal-setting workbook, copy them to this page.3. Weekly Review Template is a glue that sticks to your plan, action and outcome. It will let you review your progress and switch between your high-level plan and day-to-day actions.Additionally, you can purchase a 60-minute working session. I will walk you through the Quarterly Planning Workbook and use it to discuss your top 2-3 goals, outlining a strategy and action plan. I will help you to create specific goals and action plans to achieve them.

Here are the high-level steps covered in this workbook:

Step 1: List all the things you are currently working on.It is crucial to capture everything that takes your attention, focus, time and energy. Consider all areas of your life, such as your work, family, friends, health, hobbies, finances, spirituality, etc.Step 2: Step 2: Pick one or two areas and clear goals (projects) to put most of your energy.To begin planning, pick the top one or two goals in the selected area.Step 3: Make your goals/project very specific.It will be best to make your projects more specific. Most people don’t set clear goals because they don’t spend enough time defining what they want out of those goals.Step 4: Build your action plan.In this next step, you will break selected goals into smaller monthly & weekly goals. Then, translate them into weekly & daily action steps.Step 6: Identify your daily actionsGoals are achieved through consistent daily actions. You built a solid plan in the above steps, but a good strategy only works if you take consistent action.Step 7: The last step in achieving your goals is the weekly reviewA weekly review is a glue that sticks to your plan, action and outcome. Without a weekly review, you will have an excellent start but soon get distracted by other things. The weekly review lets you switch between your high-level plan and day-to-day actions.I promise you will achieve much more than you think using this template. I used this same method to accomplish many dreams, and you can do that too.You can change your life one quarter at a time.